Dr. Martha Hall is a Board Certified Acupuncturist and Licensed Herbalist with a Master’s of Science and Traditional Chinese Medicine, and a Doctorate in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. In this video, she discussed the process of muscle testing, also known as applied kinesiology (AK) or manual muscle testing (MMT). It is an alternative medicine practice that claims to effectively diagnose structural, muscular, chemical, and mental ailments or choose treatment by testing muscles for strength and weakness.


According to Dr. Martha Hall, Muscle Testing is where the doctor puts ischemic pressure on a certain area of the body which causes that area to do one of two things. It will either get stronger if it’s healthy or it will get weak if it needs attention.

Then once she finds that stressor, she will find the nutritional remedy to help the body work like it’s supposed to because it is most likely lacking in that nutrient.

Dr. Martha, does the same muscle testing for epigenetics methylation testing, she just uses different test kits.

Methylation is a pathway in the body that has to do with the way we detox, how we make energy out of our food, and has to do with the cardiovascular system, hormones, how we make neurotransmitters, nitric oxide, and many more.

“She’s muscle tested me and I just bought six months worth of treatment straight away because it’s so amazing and within a week, I’m already feeling a huge difference”, Wendy Crowther.

“This pathway of methylation happens depending on our DNA which we inherited from our mother and our father. We get one gene from Mom and we get one gene from Dad depending on what is more dominant that is what we get. But just because you have that DNA gene which is called a snip single nucleotide polymorphism, doesn’t mean it has to be expressed, in other words turned on. When it is expressed, now it is an illness or a stressor in the body”, Dr. Martha Hall.

“Been a little but run down, just a little bit too often and I’ve just been full of energy even like almost immediately”, Wendy Crowther.

When that snip is being expressed, Dr. Martha’s job is to find out what the nutritional protocol is needed to turn off that snip. She is NOT diagnosing or curing any disease, she is just allowing the body to heal itself through nutritional supplements.

If you are experiencing pain anywhere in your body, you can visit Dr. Martha Hall clinic which offer muscle testing procedure in San Juan Capistrano near San Clemente and Dana Point. You can also call 949-510-6333 for appointment. Let her help you to live a longer, healthier pain-free life.


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