Acupuncture is pretty popular usually with patients who live with pain. But what is acupuncture and how does it works? What are the possible benefits of it and does it hurt? Dr. Martha Hall, a Board Certified Acupuncturist and a Doctorate in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, will answer all these questions in this video.


According to Dr. Martha Hall, acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine which has been around for three to five thousand years and it is becoming mainstream here in the United States. It is a key component of traditional Chinese medicine in which thin needles are inserted into the body for a one-time use. Most of the time the patient does not feel needles being inserted and if they do, it is the feeling of a small pinch that goes away within seconds. Once the needles are inserted the patient is left to relax so the needles may help break up stagnation.

Stagnation is characterized by localized fixed, sharp stabbing or dull pain which had accumulated in the body because of stress, diet, bad lifestyle or injuries. The needles may be stimulated by hand or by electricity. The patient may feel energized or very relaxed after a treatment.

Treatment protocols vary depending on how long the patient had their underlying issues. Results can take from one visit or to a few weeks.

“Somebody would say, do you want to go to lunch and I think I don’t know if I’m gonna feel good that day. I came to her and instantly got relief”, says Dr. Hall’s patient.

Always make sure that you receive acupuncture from a board certified licensed acupuncturist or a doctor of acupuncture like Dr. Martha Hall, because their qualifications consist of four to six years of acupuncture medicine school.

Acupuncture has now been scientifically proven to help the body heal for many issues in a non evasive way. Acupuncture can help relieve stress, nausea, migraines, pain anywhere in the body, sciatica, sleep disorders and so much more.

“There’s nothing magical about acupuncture because what we are doing is activating the body’s self-healing mechanism”, says Dr. Hall.

“It’s good energy, it’s answers to your questions, you feel better. There’s a result I can truthfully say that she probably changed my life”, says Dr. Hall’s patient.

If you are in pain and interested in acupuncture, you can visit Dr. Martha Hall acupuncture clinic in San Juan Capistrano near San Clemente and Dana Point or call 949-510-6333 for appointment. Let her help you to live a longer, healthier pain-free life.


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