Acupuncture Halls is well known in its amazing services such as Acupuncture, Moxibustion, Cupping, Gua Sha, Electro-acupuncture and Functional Medicine. Beside those services, our clinic also offers nutritional supplements and other materials that will help to improve physical and mental health.

We have everything you need to maintain your healthy balance!

ME-Zymes supplement

ME-Zymes dietary supplement is available in our clinic, you can visit or call us for arrangement. Here are the benefits of this supplement.

  • Promotes healthy joints
  • Powerful systemic enzymes
  • Supports good circulation
  • Side effects-free

Skinny ME supplement

If you have issues trying to lose weight along with digestive problems, Skinny ME might help you. Our very own Dr. Martha Hall DAOM, ACN formulated this dietary supplement. Here are some of the benefits of Skinny ME.

  • Boost your metabolism
  • Reduce your sugar cravings
  • Regain your energy
  • Suppress your appetite

Everything you need to keep your mind, body, and spirit in check are also available in Acupuncture Halls clinic.

Himalayan Crystal Salt

We offer Himalayan Crystal Salt products such as Crystal Stones, Inhaler and Fine Granulated.

Here are other vitamin and mineral supplements for the immune system that are available in our clinic.

vitamins and mineral supplements

dietary supplements

herbs and health supplements

If you need herbs or health supplements, visit our clinic in San Juan Capistrano near San Clemente and Dana Point between 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM or call (949) 510-6333 for order arrangement.

We’re always happy to help you get what you need!

Your health should be your greatest priority. When you work with us, it always is.