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Human beings are part of nature and because of this, it is easy to digest the fact that we are also meant to eat from nature. Consuming food in whole form gives you all the antioxidants, phyto nutrients, enzymes, minerals and vitamins it contains. Your body works in synergy with whole food and the result is tremendously good health. However, not everyone has easy access to the foliage and fruit available in nature all of the time. The solution? A whole food tablet that will give you what you need, when you need it.

Nutrition from raw, whole food is made particularly for our human body to absorb nutrients optimally. The reason is that minerals and vitamins in each food group is dependent on other food components. In other words, it is not just a single ingredient you are digesting in one pill. Instead, you get an entire plethora of nutrition from various natural sources. You get raw food and the phyto nutrients this provides, except that you are getting it in a single pill. Every plant has an immune system referred to as phyto nutrients and this supports the immunity of human beings as well.

Better Than A Multivitamin

In the past, the only available food supplement most people had was a synthetic, man-made multivitamin. What most people didn’t understand was that the quality and types of multivitamins you took did also matter. In the old days, people needed to ingest cups of fruit and bowls of salad along with their multivitamin to get the full effects that only whole food can bring. The good news is that now, you have a choice of taking a regular multivitamin to one that is made with whole food. Not only will you feel great, you will most likely notice your cholesterol levels and BMI have greatly improved. Most people can tell you that it does make a difference to select a vitamin made with natural wholefood sources.

Your Busy Schedule Is No Longer A Reason

In the past, everyone complained of a busy schedule responsible for bad eating habits. When you have whole foods and the corresponding nutrition available to you in a single pill, then the result is that you get all the benefits of eating whole, natural food no matter what your schedule is like. Of course, this is not to say that eating one whole food pill ought to replace your entire daily repertoire of meals. On the contrary, whole food supplements are your safety net for eating healthily or unhealthy throughout the course of your day. The fact that they come from natural sources mean you get the same replenishing set of nutrients and vitamins that you would get from eating an actual salad, a bowl of fruits or a plate of veggies.

A Great Option

It really is a cause for celebration having options such as whole food multivitamins that consumers did not have in the past. After all, with the evolving of research and knowledge with regards to supplements, it comes as no surprise that better quality tablets are now available. Why get stuck in the past? Jumping on the healthy train is the better choice.

You Are Worth It

Busy schedules mean making quick choices and what better choice to make than to ingest the highest quality type of vitamin supplement. Whole foods supplements have better synergy with your body better than man-made chemicals. The reason is that both whole food and your human body came from the same source and that is nature.

A Whole Lot Of Self-Love

Self-love and care means feeding your body what is natural. For example, whole foods are everything you see in a salad. This type of food is healthy, honest and simple. They are usually picked straight from a plant, such as lettuce and barely processed before they are served to you. As a matter of fact, rather than going through any type of processing, whole foods are just the opposite. They go through almost no processing, leaving your body to absorb nutrient the way nature intended. Whole foods include legumes, beans, grains, vegetables, fruits, seeds and nuts. It can of course be extremely challenging to incorporate whole food into your diet. For most people, it is more feasible to get the same nutrition in a pill. The good news is that this is now available.

If you are ever in the area of San Juan Capistrano and are looking for Whole Food Supplements from a reliable source, the ones at Acupuncture Halls are highly recommended. You can get an in-depth assessment as to whether adding whole food supplements to your daily repertoire will benefit you. Near Acupuncture Halls, you can also find whole food supplements at Dana Point and San Clemente.