This video will explain what Acupuncture Halls clinic can offer and how we can help people to relieve the pain they are experiencing in their body.


Dr. Martha Hall is a board certified acupuncturist and licensed herbalist with a masters in science in traditional Chinese medicine and a doctorate in Acupuncture and Oriental medicine. She is also a clinical nutritionist and applied kinesiologists. She use muscle testing and epigenetics methylation muscle testing which you can see in her other videos to find out more about these topics. So what do all these titles mean? It means that she can help you get to the real root of your problem. Typically within three visits using functional medicine, acupuncture, Chinese medicine, stem cells and prescription based nutritional supplements designed specifically for you and your underlying issues.

“I initially went to her because I thought maybe I was depressed, self-diagnosis. I thought maybe I need to go see somebody, maybe I need to be on anti-depressants. So I went in for her and that is not what my problem was. I was just really run down and my adrenals needed help.”, says Dr. Hall’s patient.

Dr. Martha Hall specialty is digestion, methylation, autoimmune and hormones. But she welcomes all your difficult cases and of course simple cases such as sciatica, acid reflux, migraines, and any other issues that you may have or if you want to come in and just get a tune-up to get more energy, better sleep and all around feel better. Her process is simple and easy, it would be like going on a one-hour vacation. She also wants you to know that she do not treat disease. All she is doing is giving your body the proper nutrients that it needs to heal itself and allow the body to get rid of stressors that are not going away.

“She put me on a treatment, I did acupuncture, she gave me food supplement, and I felt a thousand times better.”, says Dr. Hall’s patient.

Many times what Dr. Hall finds in her testing is that the body is lacking so much in minerals or has an overabundance of heavy metals, chemical toxicities, fungus, parasites, foods that are not breaking down and so much more. She do all this through her testing specifically designed for her patients.

“She’s amazing. She is my go-to person for everything from physical pain to emotional pain to anything. Hands down. She’s the best.”, says Dr. Hall’s patient.

Let Dr. Martha Hall helps you to live a longer, healthier pain-free life. Visit her functional medicine clinic in San Juan Capistrano near San Clemente and Dana Point. You can also call 949-510-6333 for appointment.


Dr. Martha Hall Appointment Card