About Dr. Martha

Dr. Martha E. Hall DAOM, ACN

Dr. Martha Hall


Dr. Martha E. Hall, Acupuncturist and Herbalist, is California State Licensed and National Certification Commission of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) certified. She is also a primary care provider in California. Dr. Martha DAOM holds a Master’s of Science Degree and Traditional Chinese Medicine from an accredited, four-year acupuncture school, Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in San Diego, CA. She performed over 3,428 hours of training in acupuncture, herbal prescriptions and Western medical assessment, as well as 1075 hours of internship.

Dr. Martha returned to school and completed her Doctorate in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in 2017. She is presently going to school 1 week out of the month in Clearwater, Florida to become a Nutrition Response Testing Master. There she is learning how to help restore natural function to the body and put the patient back in charge of their health. Dr. Martha is also a professional wellness and nutritional speaker, traveling around the USA training clinicians about whole food nutrition so they can make a difference in the lives of their patients.

Dr. Martha studied at Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Chengdu, China, completing the International Traditional Chinese Medicine Training Program of Chinese Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture. She assisted doctors in Chengdu Hospital–where acupuncture is used along with western medicine. Her 100-hour externship in China involved working with cardiology, ear nose and throat, pulmonary disorders, and stroke patients. She administered acupuncture, as well as prescribing medicinal herbs and herbal formulas.

Dr. Martha describes what motivates her to provide such caring professional services. “Ever since I was young, I was always in love with natural functional medicine, herbs and nutrition. If we ever got sick my mom would go to the back yard, snip some herbs and boil them to make us feel better. She would use food as medicine for whatever needed to be cured. If we were starting to get sick, she would make a pot of chicken soup and add herbs and vegetables depending on our symptoms. The gift of natural healing runs in the family. My aunt was the town healer in Culiacan, Sinaloa Mexico. She would treat all who came to her with herbs and other modalities for any ailment. I feel very fortunate to pursue a career in Traditional Chinese Medicine, honoring my mother and aunt by continuing the legacy that they began.”

In addition to acupuncture, Dr. Martha provides moxibustion (moxa), cupping, electro-acupuncture (e-stim), Nutrition Response Testing as well as prescribing herbs, medicinal teas and compounding personal herbal formulations. She speaks and reads fluent Spanish. Her professional passion is to promote acupuncture and clinical excellence.

When not actively involved in her work, Dr. Martha balances her life by running, reading, research and spending time with her friends and family, including her husband, son and daughter and mom.

The earlier you get treated the greater the chances of eliminating possible chronic back pains from occurring. By taking up acupuncture you can actually save a lot on expenses in the future as well as on the need for surgical treatment. The good thing about acupuncture is that it eliminates the need for painkillers and other medications which might have side effects. There are many kinds of acupuncture specialists in San Juan Capistrano visit one immediately to get relief.


Seminar Presentation / Attended by Dr. Martha Hall DAOM, ACN


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