Dr. Martha has Methylation on her Mind

      Martha Has Methylation On Her Mind (by Dr. Martha Hall, DAOM, L.Ac) www.AcupunctureHall.com / drhall@acupuncturehall.com / 949.510.6333 Why Methylation is Important? What is all this talk about Methylation? Do you understand it? Do you care? Would...

MSG (Monosodium Glutamate)

MSG (monosodium glutamate) is a dangerous brain toxic compound that is added to many of our daily foods. it is added to enhance the flavors of the foods we eat and in a sense makes us addicted to the taste so we keep wanting more. It is considered an “excitotoxin.”...

Find The Best Acupuncture Clinic

Are you looking for acupuncture clinic in San Juan Capistrano? Well, it is not that difficult to find such a clinic but then you must understand exactly what your needs are. Today you can find various treatments such as acupuncture, Chinese herbs; acupressure, etc. No...

Acupuncture Can Help With Weight Loss

There are lot of people who find losing weight a very difficult task. There are also those who have tried numerous weight loss programs such as diets and fitness programs but in vain. Most of them usually don’t work and those that do involve a lot of risks. Some are...