What Can Blood Tell Us?

Some time ago I purchased blood analysis equipment for my clinic from which many of my patients have benefited. While an expensive investment, it has proven time and again to be an invaluable diagnostic asset. Extensive blood analysis many times is expensive,...

Osteoarthritis and Acupuncture

When we think of injured to sore bones and joints, usually the first thought that comes to mind are pain and immobility, both of which we all like to avoid at all cost. Acupuncture has been proven to be a very reliable modality for both, usual causes being athletic or...

Origin of Acupuncture

So what is this thing called “Acupuncture” that we talk about all the time? Is it some kind of bizarre practice or an actual scientific reality? Considering my 4 years of school, my internship in China, my National exam, and my long difficult board certification exam...

Speaking of Sugar

One of my friends has a cute lovable puppy named “Sugar”, sweet as can be…and while the puppy is sweet…you shouldn’t be eating too much sugar. So let’s talk about SUGAR! Is it really worse than, say, cocaine? Well according to some researchers it should be...